Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Butia capitata$14.90 ($14.90-$24.75 choose a size)
Specifications of Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 5-10m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Yes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Water Requirements Drought Hardy (Little Watering)
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? No (Full Size)
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 5+ Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March, April
Fertiliser All Purpose, Compost
Plant Width 2-4m
Growth Rate Medium
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Customer Tips & Reviews Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
I have one growing and I wanted another one. They are really good looking palms. It probably won't fruit where I am, but I'm growing them for their looks.
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Potted it up in a 12 inch pot, won't plant out until mid/late spring. Slow growing, hence hardy, so not expecting them to end up as tall as the ones in the above stock image.
Bloomfield, QLD, Australia, Australia
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Had my jelly palm for 4 months now and is growing well in a 25 litre pot filled with coconut husks and black soil. Have added one cup of dynamic lifter, water every 3rd day in full sun and growing well. Average temp is about 22 - 32C. Will be buying more
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
Struggling a bit in this climate but hopefully some TLC will improve the situation until warmer weather arrives.
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
This advice from Daley'sFruit is wrong, because the male and female flowers are on the same palm: "Plants required to Pollinate 3 Plants (Male and Female)" See this:
Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm
I live in a very cold area in nsw mid west this palm is very suited to this area
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
There is a very old butia capitata or jelly palm fruiting in the City Botanic Gardens Brisbane at present, Feb 2015 and I saw two palms at Hahndorf near Adelaide that bear heavy crops of fruit every May and I love the sweet @ sour taste of these fruit
Sweet. Organic. No fruit fly problem. No bird problem.No rat problem...until years later when they find it on the plant, and then they harvest every year. No fruit bat problem. Maybe that's because the harvest period is only two or three weeks, which m...
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
Slow grower, but produces delicious and prolific fruit. Worth the wait!Bag young fruit spikes with a large white feed bag to out-compete the rats, bats and birds. Easily handles light frosts
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
Delicious edible juice from fruits, combination of quince, passionfruit, pineapple, apricot, strawberry all in one. Strong & tart, requires sweetening to taste.
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
Butia Capitata globule fruits, the B. Yatay teardrop fruit. In Adelaide garden about 10 years before fruiting. Each year 3 huge bracts laden with aromatic fruits. Pick when bright orange, wash, boil 2 hours, de-stone then squeeze out juice. Cordial/jelly.
Kincumber, NSW
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
I believe the difference between a Butia capitata and Butia yatay is that the yatay drops its frons and the capitata doesn't! The frons make a beautiful 'cap' or skirt around the palm stem if left uncut.
Kincumber, NSW
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
I am on the Central Coast NSW and moved a jelly palm ( Butia capitata) about 1 km 9 years ago. It took an earth mover and huge semi trailer! it had been in its old position for over 50 years. It's still fruiting well and growing beautifully!
Ballimore, NSW
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
I bought a jelly palm from Daleys about 4 yrs ago. I live in an area of -5 to 45deg temperature range and my palm is doing really well Admittedly mine is in a pot and hasnt fruited yet.I am about to plant into the ground soon .
Albany, WA, Australia
No maintenance required. Does its own thing and fruits very well. Easy to bag the fruit to stop birds. Each spray of fruit is like a separate branch of the tree. Put a big chaff bag over it and when ripe the fruit fall off into the neck of the bag for ...
Sydney, NSW, Australia, Australia
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
One of the Jelly Palms took 5 years and 2 months to fruit,with about 500 fruits/4.5kgs.
Sydney, NSW
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
Chinese names and chinese characters for the Jelly Palm. - .It also mentions a subspecies ' yatay '.Is Daley's Jelly Palm a subspecies?
Sydney, N S W
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
Other Jelly Palms,eg those as existing street trees and in private gardens,aren't as good tasting as Daley's Jelly Palm variety.Daley's Jelly Palm might be from a superior seed.Daley's is less stringy,less acid and better tasting.
Jelly Palm or Wine Palm
$3500 to $4000 : Daleysfruit are selling this edible palm at a bargain price of only about $15. If you visit you will see their cheapest is nearly $4000 !